Howdy, everyone
Hope everyone's flying high

Man is the wisest creation of God on earth. Since we all live in society, we should know how to think, talk, and act accordingly. Parents should teach their children about their dealings with family members, neighbors, friends, teachers, etc.


Meaning of etiquette

A person with good manners shows respect for the feelings and feelings of others living in the surroundings. He never alienates people and shows equal relations for all. Modesty, modesty, kindness, and courtesy are the essential traits of a well-behaved person. Therefore, a well-behaved person never feels proud or arrogant and always takes care of the feelings of others. Practicing good manners and following them throughout the day definitely enhances life and adds qualities to life.

Though there are uncountable traits within good manners. These good manners are necessary for everyone. Some good manners that we can practice in our daily life. like -

  • We should learn the habit of sharing things with others.
  • We should be helpful, and courteous to others in every way possible.
  • We must respect the property of another and always seek permission before use.
  • We should treat our teachers, parents, other elders, and senior citizens courteously.

Good manners are very important in our daily lives. Their importance in life is well known. The good approach creates an effective conversation with friends and at the same time leaves a good impression on a public forum. It helps us stay positive throughout the day. Therefore, parents should help their children to include all possible good manners in their habit.

People with polite and pleasant nature are always popular and respected by a large number of people. Apparently, such people are exerting magnetic effects on others. Thus, we should always practice good behavior in our life.

Good manners always give a new conversation with people and this paves the way for us later. If someone talks to you badly, you still do not talk to him the same way. Always talk to him in your positive way to give him a chance to change.

Rules of etiquette


Etiquette enables a man to live in society by teaching him the rules of conduct or behavior. Good manners teach a person how to behave, react, or act in specific situations. They are essential parts of human life without which human life, progress, and prosperity can stop. There are certain rules of etiquette that all of us should follow. like -

1.Greet everyone who comes home or calls

Under courtesy, our friends, our parents, or grandparents, or anyone else, should always stand up for the honor of elders. When someone comes to our house and when they leave. In India, we also touch the feet of the elders and ask for blessings.

2.'Please' (please)

One should say 'please' before saying or asking for anything.

3.'Thank you' (thank you)

Always tell your child that whenever someone gives you something, then they should show gratitude by saying 'thank you'.

4.No speaking in between

When your children want to say something - teach them to say 'please forgive'. Tell them that when talking big, never stop the elders in between. Elders should also listen carefully to their children. Because children always learn by watching the elders.

5.Respect the opinions of others

Never try to impose your opinion on anyone. Everyone's opinion should be respected. Every person is different and unique.

6.Do not make fun by looking at the outer appearance

Children should be taught to look beyond physical beauty. Every person is special in himself. All are composed by the creator. We should be taught to respect him.

7.Knocking on the door

Always be sure to knock the door before entering a room. This is the basic etiquette that should be taught to all people from their young age.

Office etiquette

Office etiquette can help change a company's culture and even differentiate between commercial success and business failure.


1) Minimize noise in an office

Out of necessity, such as talking on the phone and talking with colleagues, noise in an office should be kept low.

2) Reply to the colleague's messages as a colleague

When receiving emails, voice messages, text, and other types of correspondence from colleagues, they should reply in a timely manner instead of waiting.

3) Show respect to colleagues

When working in an open office environment, respect, sociable behavior is the core of effective company culture. Respect colleagues the same way we expect ourselves.

5) Be courteous to others in the office

Should talk politely to everyone. Many times, you may not like anything. Be patient, keep your point very politely later.

6) Be enjoyable to others in the office

Being pleasant and friendly to colleagues makes a company culture success and thus desirable for working. It will thus help to retain and attract employees.

8) Share your own interests with other colleagues

Must show friendship with your fellow employees by being ready to share their own interests and hobbies.

9) Share credit for good work

If you have co-worked on a successful project or task, credit should be shared between colleagues and teams.

10) Become a team player

Working well with colleagues and being part of a team generates good willpower among our colleagues that is often mutual.

11) Help new employees and trainees by showing them the rules

We all get nervous about our first few days in a job. New employees should show respect for certain 'rules', such as breaks and lunches.


Some people behave well with sweet words only in front of you, not behind. This is not a good way. Good manners are very important in life because they help us behave well in society. Good manners help us win the hearts of people in a public place. Therefore, a good and courteous attitude has the potential to create a unique personality.


Good manners are important for everyone in society. These definitely help us in gaining popularity and success in life. Because nobody likes mischief and abuse. Good manners act as a tonic for people living in society.

Manners are the intrinsic qualities of a person, through which a good image can be built in the heart of all. Even if you are not physically beautiful, but your efficient mannerism can make you a favorite of all. Physical beauty is fleeting, but your practical beauty plays with life.

Hope you got some worth of value. So, be sure of your good manners.

Signing Off

Warm Wisher