Greeting cards are seen in every house on the auspicious occasion to decorate the house by making a welt or collage of greeting cards. The tradition of wishing on auspicious occasions is very old. It took different forms in all the countries of the world. In ancient times, when there were no greeting cards, people used to give bouquets to each other on the occasion of happiness. The color of the flowers reflected the occasion. White flowers were considered a symbol of peace. While colorful flowers of happiness and prosperity. Those bouquets were in earthen vessels and they had a vermillion color with a message of congratulations.
In the sixth century, the citizens of Rome sent a congratulatory message to their king on the gallantry cycle. In this message sent on the occasion of New Year, the Senate of Rome and the people wished to have a prosperous year.
In the seventh century, the custom of sending fragrant bottles to Egypt began on New Year. A congratulatory message was written on this bottle. This trend became very popular. In the tenth century, the people of Germany started drawing and giving congratulatory messages by hand painting on palm and banana leaves. Some people cut pieces of the animal's chest and used it to convey greetings. There was no smell in the skin, so perfume was sprinkled on it.
In the seventeenth century, a poet of Rome, Viejo, wrote a 300-line poem on greetings. This poem was also written posthumously on his grave. This inscription still exists today.
Today, greeting cards have taken the form of an industry in India. Greeting cards are in demand all over the world. Printing of greeting cards benefits companies. And sent to the Department of Posts and courier services. Painter, artist, poet, etc. all get employment. Not only national, but multinational companies are also engaged in this industry.
Technological development has also had an impact in this area. Now greeting cards are being made with the help of computer graphics. Apart from this, electronic cards have also come, which when opened, a tune, or a greeting message is heard. Now greeting cards are also being sent by e-mail. And congratulations are also being given through the website.
The tradition of congratulatory messages has also contributed to the social sector. A handicapped organization has children with disabilities painted and gives them appropriate remuneration. Congratulations are then made based on those pictures and sold. Disability welfare schemes are run from the income derived from it. Institutions like UNICEF, Cry, Care, Helpage, etc. raise a lot of money for their purposes from their greeting cards.
The world's smallest congratulatory message was sent to the Prince of Wales by a London company on December 20, 1920, written in black ink on a grain of rice. On the other hand, the biggest congratulatory message is 338 meters long which was sent to American soldiers fighting in Vietnam in 1967.
Hope you got to know some worth.
Signing Off
Warm Wisher