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The previous post dealt with EMOTION and it's elements. This post relates to the human body's physique and psychology to emotions and behavior. If you haven't read that yet then get to it right here.

Role of Nervous System in Emotion Stage:

emotions and nerves

The description of the physical change in the state of consciousness will not be complete without the description of the independent neuro-institution.

Generally, the independent nervous institution has three parts:

(1) Upper

(2) Central and

(3) Lower

Here, if we get the information of all three separately, it would be good:

(1) Upper part:

The vertical part originates from the stem of the brain. It stimulates the gastric glands to secrete digestive juices and the stomach wall for churning activity. It slows down the vibrations of the heart. Thus it helps in action.

(2) The Central part:

The central part intensifies blood pressure and increases the heart rate and stops the stomach function. Thus, its effect is opposite to that of the vertical part.

3) The Lower Part:

This part originates from the lower part of the spinal cord. It affects the production and excretion of organs. The center of the independent nervous institution is in the hypothalamus, a part of the intercostal brain. This greatly affects the action of momentum.

Importance of  Physical Changes in Emotion :

Physical changes in momentum cannot be considered everything nor can they be ignored. In the same way, the mental side cannot be disregarded and it cannot be called anything of impulse. The reality is that to understand momentum one has to understand both its aspects.

New experiments are being done constantly in both these aspects.  Therefore, at the moment it is difficult to say anything about momentum. Along with all the parts, its physical aspect also has to be kept in mind. In this way, in the future, a completely satisfactory theory can be derived from the sentiment in the future.

Sentiments Of Emotion:

There is a close connection with the permanent sense of culture. Since in every society, there is an attempt to generate some permanent emotion in the person to maintain social adaptation, so the permanent sense is equally important.

In this context, MacDougall rightly wrote, "Permanent emotion disorders are of the greatest importance to the character and conduct of individuals and societies, that is the organization of emotional and conceptual life." In the absence of permanent expressions, our life will become random, chaotic, or inferior to any kind of expediency or continuity, as well as our social relations and ethos which are based on emotions and their tendencies; Disqualified, ineligible for provisionals and will become temporary. "

The social ethos of man is governed by certain values. These values ​​are related to its permanent values. Therefore, the permanent feeling has great importance in the ethos of man. In the absence of permanent expressions, this root also cannot survive. In every society, favorable permanent feelings are generated in the people towards the disrupted works and things.

Hence Kimbal Young has rightly written, "Permanent expressions are the result of cultural commitment.  They may be closely related to our core values ​​or they may be relatively variable in their power and importance. "

In this way, different permanent emotions develop in humans under different cultural conditions. In a country, for the national flag, national anthem, etc., there is a permanent feeling in people. That wanderer is not seen in people when engaged in a permanent price, the value of goods becomes completely different from its physical value.

In this way, the moral aesthetical and religious permanent expressions of humans are determined by their cultural environment. These also change when the environment changes. In fact, permanent adaptations help a person adapt to the culture.

That is why a change in culture also changes them. But then some permanent expressions can also be due to human special nature. When the cultural environment is adverse, these permanent expressions are considered abnormal and the person is treated for treatment.  They are desired when adapted from the culture, even if considered undesirable in a different culture.

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Development of Emotions - From Infancy to Adulthood:

When the baby is born, it has neither any knowledge nor any definitive emotional experience, but Watson (1924) presented fire, snake, etc. in front of the newborn and dropped them from some height. Based on the reactions that infants have reacted to all these events, it can be said that three basic emotions of fear, love, and anger are found even in newborns.

But later studies and experiments do not confirm Watson's conclusion.  In the same way, Sherman also increased the excitement of newborns through several appearances, and thereafter, for his films, he showed some judges the images of the reactions of those infants.

But only images could not detect or identify an emotion. Therefore, we can more accurately say the conclusion of Bridges and other psychologists, that the unborn child experiences only excitement and when it gradually grows up, then it also develops various emotions. looks like.

Bridges observed a number of infants up to the age of two and concluded how different emotions develop gradually in children by the age of two. The table given by Bridges is given below for further clarification.

It is clear from the above table, that the newborn does not experience any emotion but only general excitement, but when the baby is three months old, then he starts experiencing some kind of pain and pleasure in addition to excitement. , Which in general language is called Distress and Delight. When the infant is 6 months old, restlessness, anger, disgust, and fear develop in it.

Similarly, at the age of one year, the child starts showing happiness as well as affection and affection. Between the age of one and a half years, Jealousy begins to be experienced. At the same time, they begin to show affection towards other children and elders in different ways.

Joy develops in children within one and a half to two years of age. Similarly, the main emotions develop in children until the age of two years. However, this does not mean that no momentum develops after two years of age.

Rather, many other emotions develop at a later age. It is also possible that even at the age of two years, many children do not develop emotions in the same way, but some psychologists cannot accept these certain names of emotions, that is, our aim here is to make it so clear that the newborn The infant only experiences excitement and as age increases, specific emotions develop in it.

Two processes play a major role in developing emotions. They are - Maturation and Learning. Circumcision is a process that is inborn and biological.  Therefore, from the time of the creation of the body, till the body attains maturity, it goes on naturally. Learning apart from this is an acquired process in which a person adopts and acquires behavior or skill through practice or diligence.

Positive Emotions:

Under positive emotion, the person experiences attraction to another person's animal place or object. When such types of emotions are experienced, its expression relates to the relativistic stimulus in finding or possessing or helping it. it occurs.

The main impetus in this is - Love, Affection, Respect, Joy, Elation, Santosh, Gratitude, etc. Of these, only love and joy and gaiety will be described here.

1. LOVE:

The most important emotion in positive emotion is love. Any person who is in love with the person or thing, he feels attraction. A sense of belonging, sympathy, desire to protect him is reflected in himself.

From a spiritual perspective, two forms of love are considered - narrow love and sublime love. Compressed love is between things and individuals and this love is physiological. Presently, all these are related to the person's body and senses, as they are attracted to them and their sense of understanding is known as attachment and attachment in Indian thinking.

As far as sublime love is concerned, it signifies the expansion of love. Personally, a person is not a body with a name, but a soul.  As we all know, all beings have divine power in the form of a soul. In this view, the love of a person's familiar or unfamiliar places and nature is an example of sublime love.

2. Joy And Elation:

There is also joy and joy under positive emotion, in which a person expresses his intense happiness. In general, happiness is called joy and intense joy is called euphoria. The wonderful joy that parents feel when they see the baby's work, walking their hands and feet or staggering will be called joy.

Conversely, when a player wins a competition, he and his friends feel ecstatic. Glee is expressed by shouting loudly, bouncing and jumping and kissing each other.

Factors Affecting Children's Emotions:

Children's maturity on the origin and development of the emotions and the impact of learning as it doesbut Select the factors critical to emotional behavior boy  manner of influence:

(1) Sex:

The difference is found in the emotions of boys and girls. The intensity of some emotions is more intense in boys and in some girls.  In children, the emotion of anger is more than that of girls, whereas emotions like fear and jealousy are more in the girls than in the children.

(2) Parents Behavior:

Parental behavior also affects emotions. Emotions of anger and aggression develop more in children due to the neglectful behavior of parents. Similarly, on giving excessive pampering and protection to parents, children become less worried and angry nature of dependent instincts. When parents behave harshly with their children, they become more fearful and bitter.

(3) Family Size:

Where the size of the families is large, the growth of emotions in children is relatively high, as other children and individuals made up of large families come into contact and learn to do many emotions through them whereas in families where the families are small Children get less such opportunities there.

(4) Physical Fitness:

There are many reasons for physical health weaknesses: such as disease, poverty, poor digestive power, lack of balanced food. When the body is not healthy then there is an increase of anger in the child.

(5) Birth Order:

Children who are born earlier get more affection and protection from parents. As a result, they are also affectionate but at the same time, their behavior is Dachau. Later, if parents do not pay much attention to them, then they become quarrelsome.

(6) Personality ( Personality ):

Based on studies, it is known that children who are extroverted have more fear and fear in introverted children. Just as children who have a high sense of security, fear is less. Conversely, children with feelings of insecurity are more afraid.

(7) IQ ( Intelligence ):

Children decide in relation to their emotional expression only through their intelligence. When the intellect is sharpened, children soon learn to express their emotions in ways accepted by society. Studies found that fear factors are lower in low intelligence factors and fear emotions are higher in children with higher intelligence.

(8) Self-Confidence :

Children who have strong self-confidence have less fear or anxiety. Jersey states that "Anything that reduces a child's self-confidence or distracts him from his self-esteem or his actions, which he wants to do or the purpose that he considers important, then it increases his tendency to worry or fear." Can do. "

(9) Social Environment:

The same type of emotions develops in the environment in which the child lives. For example, if he finds a loving environment, then there will also be an excess of affection. Under the social environment, the family school and people residing and coming in contact can be included.

(10) Social And Economic Level:

Children in families with higher socioeconomic status have relatively lower fear, whereas children in families with lower socioeconomic status tend to have emotional instability, whereas children in families with higher socioeconomic status have impulsive stability.

In association with the aforementioned factors, emotionality is found in some children and in small quantities in some children.

 Emotional Development of an Infant: 

The studies that have been done in relation to the impulses of newborns are few, but the studies that have been done are more detailed. Watson believes that 3 impulses occur at the time of birth or shortly after birth.

Watson also states that these emotions can be produced in infants through certain stimuli. There are three major emotions mentioned by Watson - fear, anger, and love. Vacaville posits that emotional responses develop more in newborns.

They believe that newborns who take birth without completing the gestational stage also have similar types of emotional responses.

Primarily Emotional Responses:

No emotional behavior is certain at birth. A state of simultaneous excitement is found in the baby. Watson believes that the response to fear in the baby is from birth. The baby is initially afraid of only two things.

(a) a sudden sharp sound,

(b) To snatch Sahara

Bridges believe that only normal stimulation is found at birth. After about 3 months, variations of momentum start to appear. Grief and happiness begin to appear differently in their emotions.

Key features of Child's emotions:

1. Intense Emotions:

Babies display very intense emotions on most small things. A similar intensity of emotions is found in adolescence. The things that elders find very ordinary, teenagers show intense emotions towards them.

2. The newborn's frequent appearances are:

Babies display their emotions over and over again. But as age progresses, he begins to understand that punishment can be inflicted due to repeated impetus. So slowly he starts to control the emotions.

3. There is variability in the emotions of the newborn:

Babies start laughing at one moment forgetting intense anger and other negative anger.

There are three reasons for the variability of emotions :

(a) Children give way to extra power by performing emotions.

(b) They do not understand the situation correctly due to intellectual immaturity.

(c) Their attention span is very limited, hence their deviation of attention is easily done.

4Personality is found in the reactions of the newborn:

Substantial similarity is found in the emotional performance of the newborn. But with the increase of age and experience, the emotional reactions of the baby become sufficiently expressive.

5Elements affecting the development of emotions:

From the time of birth, emotions are present in some form, but their various forms appear as a result of various factors.

6. The strength of the emotions of newborn changes:

The emotions which were exhibited by the baby very intensely some time ago, their intensity decreases with age increase. But the impulses that used to appear very dim earlier become more intense with age, this change is partly due to the decrease in the power of inspiration, due to the increase in the intelligence of the infant, and partly due to the interest and values ​​of the infant. Causes change.

Effect of maturity on the development of emotions:

As the age of the baby increases, so does the development of her intellectual capacity. Maturity increases his imaginations, time, and ability to remember things.  They also have an impact on emotional behavior. Because of this, the stimuli that did not affect him in any way, he starts to generate emotional behavior in it.

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